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September 14, 2024

Frederick, Maryland

Maryland Episcopal Church Musicians' Retreat

Presenter for the Church Music Conference

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October 10, 2024


Fairhope, Alabama

St. James Episcopal Church

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November 6, 2023 - Monday

Cleveland, Ohio

Trinity Cathedral Episcopal Church

Instruments: Flentrop; Muller

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April 21, 2024 - Sunday

Burke, Virginia

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Instrument: DiGennaro-Hart Organ

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May 4, 2024 - Saturday

Philadephia, Pennsylvania

The Kimmel Center (Verizon Hall)

Instruments: Dobson Op. 76 (2006)

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July 4, 2024 - Thursday

Palo Alto, California

First Congregational Church

Instrument: Letorneau, Op. 101

Solo Recital,

American Guild of Organists

National Convention

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July 8-14 2024

Sewanne, Tennessee

University of the South

Learn more

Conference Organist for

Sewanee Church Music Conference

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September 14, 2023 - Thursday

7:30 pm

Alexandria, Virginia

Immanuel Chapel at Viriginia Theological Seminary

Instrument: Taylor & Boody, Op. 70 (2015)

July 7, 2023 - Friday

Minneapolis, Minnesota

St. Mark's Cathedral

Instrument: Welte Tripp, Op. 258/Foley Baker 

American Guild of Organists, North Central Regional Convention

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July 2, 2023 - Sunday


Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Cathedral Church of St. John

Instrument: Reuter, Op. 918/2210, III/65

Reuter Organ Festival

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June 4, 2023 - Sunday

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Market Square Presbyterian Church

Instrument: Létourneau (2020), IV/83

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June 20, 2023 - Tuesday

Aiken, South Carolina

St. John's United Methodist Church

Instrument: Schantz Organ Co., Opl 2238 (2004)

American Guild of Organists, Southeast Regional Convention

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March 3, 2023 - Friday

Houston, Texas

Christ Church Cathedral

7:30 PM

Instrument: Aeolian Skinner Op. 976 (1938)

Kapustin/Berney: Rondo from Sinfonietta

Brahms/Berney: Op. 118, Nos. 1-3

Karg-Elert: Sinfonische Kanzone, Op. 85, No. 2

Bach: B minor Prelude and Fugue

Tchaikovsky: Scherzo from Symphony 6

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April 28, 2023 - Friday

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Overbrook Presbyterian Church

Instrument: Möller, Op. 6800 (1939)

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February 20, 2023 - Monday

New York City, NY

St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University 

10:00 AM

Instrument: Aeolian Skinner Op. 985

hosted by the NYCAGO,

with an emphasis on transcriptions

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November 6, 2022 - Sunday


Durham, North Carolina

Duke University Chapel

Instrument: Flentrop Orgelbouw (1976)

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Bach: Dorian Toccata and Fugue

Hindemith: Sonata 2

Bach: Sei gegrusset

Muffat: Toccata 1

Schumann: Innig

Eben: Finale from Sunday Music

May 19 and 21, 2022

7:30 and 8PM

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts

Instrument: Dobson, Op. 76

premiering a new organ and orchestra commission by composer Melody Eotvos and Saint-Saëns' Organ Symphony

October 16, 2022 - Sunday


Monson, Massachusetts

First Church of Monson

Instrument: Johnson and Son (1892)

Rededication of the instrument

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April 22, 2022 - Friday

Springfield, Massachusetts

Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel

Instrument: Casavant Frères Ltée (1929)

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Springfield Chapter AGO

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March 13, 2022 - Sunday

Los Angeles, California

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Instrument: Rosales/Glatter-Götz Orgelbau, Op. 24 (2004)

Kapustin/Czausz: Rondo from Sinfonietta

Mendelssohn: Allegro Choral and Fugue in D

Bach: Dorian Toccata and Fugue


Demessieux: Te Deum

Hakim: Arabesques

Tchaikovsky: Scherzo from Symphony 6

May 9, 2021 - Sunday

San Francisco, California

Davies Symphony Hall

Instrument: Fratelli Ruffatti (1984)


January 7, 8, 9, 2021

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts

Instrument: Dobson, Op. 76


premiering a new organ and orchestra commission by composer Melody Eotvos

March 7, 2021 - Sunday

Frederick, Maryland

Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3:00 PM

Instrument: Moller (1950), III/53


November 1, 2020

Birmingham, Alabama

Independent Presbyterian Church

4:00PM, livestreamed

Instrument: Dobson, Op. 90

livestreamed at

July 8 and 10, 2020 - Wednesday and Friday

Morrow, Georgia

Clayton State University, Spivey Hall

Instrument: Fratelli Ruffatti (1992)


American Guild of Organists National Convention



Karg-Elert: Sinfonische Kanzone, Op. 85, No. 2

Vierne: Claire de Lune

Gardner: Jig, from Five Dances

Tchaikovsky: Scherzo from Symphony No. 6 in B minor

July 19, 2020 - Sunday

Chicago, Illinois

Loyola University, Madonna Della Strada Chapel

Instrument: Goulding and Wood, Op. 47 (2008)


May 29, 2020 - Friday

McLean, Virginia

St. Luke Roman Catholic Church

Instrument: Steiner-Reck Organ Co., Op. 104 (1998)


May 24, 2020 - Sunday

Los Angeles, California

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Instrument: Rosales/Glatter-Götz Orgelbau, Op. 24 (2004)


J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in A minor, BWV 543

Karg-Elert: Sinfonische Kanzone, Op. 85, No. 2

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118


Copland: Preamble for a Solemn Occasion

Tchaikovsky: Scherzo from Symphony No. 6 in B minor

Whitlock: Fantaisie Chorale No. 2 in F-sharp minor

Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Op. 92

March 20, 2020 - Friday

Hilo, Hawai'i

Church of the Holy Apostles, 7:00 PM

Instrument: Allen/Reuter III/19 (with digital)


March 17, 2020 - Wednesday

Makawao Hawai'i

Makawao Union Church, 7:00 PM

Instrument: Reuter Op. 1879 (1975) II/23 (with digital)


March 15, 2020 - Sunday

Honolulu, Hawai'i

Central Union Church, 2:00 PM

Instrument: Aeolian-Skinner, Op. 1452, 1964 (IV/66)

March 8, 2020 - Sunday

Fresno, California

Fresno State University

Instrument: Martin Ott. Op. 77 (1993)

Philip Lorenz International Keyboard Concerts

Buxtehude: Praeludium in G minor, BuxWV163

Schildt: Pavana lachrymae

M. Praetorius: select dances from Terpsichore

J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in A minor, BWV 543


Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Schumann: Innig from Op. 56, No. 4

Lebhaft, Fugue on BACH, Op. 60, No. 2

Merikanto: Haahymni

Hakim: Arabesques

March 2, 2020 - Monday

Nashville, Tennessee

(sponsored by Nashville Chapter AGO)

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Instrument: C.B. Fisk (2009), Op. 134 III/52

January 21, 2020 - Tuesday

Palm Desert, California

St. Margaret's Episcopal Church

Instrument: Quimby, Op. 50 (1998)

January 18, 2020 - Saturday

Morrow, Georgia

Clayton State University, Spivey Hall

Instrument: Fratelli Ruffatti (1992)

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Schumann: "Inning" from 6 Pieces in Canonical Form; "Lebhaft" Fugue No. 2 on BACH

Finzi: Romance

Hakim: Arabesques


Copland: Preamble for a Solemn Occasion

John Gardner: Five Dances *North American Premiere

Dvorak: Carnival Overture​

October 20, 2019 - Sunday

Salisbury, Connecticut

Congregational Church of Salisbury, UCC, 3:00 PM

Instrument: Schantz, Op. 702 (1963) III/28

Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B minor, 544

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Schumann: "Inning" from 6 Pieces in Canonical Form; "Lebhaft" Fugue No. 2 on BACH

John Gardner: Pavin and Jig from Five Dances

Karg-Elert: Symphonic Canzona, Op. 85 No. 2

Hakim: Arabesques

September 29, 2019 - Sunday

Augusta, Georgia

St. John United Methodist Church

Instrument: Dobson, Op. 78 (2003)

August 18, 2019 - Sunday

Seinäjoki, Finland

Lakeuden Risti

Instrument: Kangasalan Urkutehdas, Op. 655, 1960

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Bach: Sei gegrusset

Hakim: Arabesques

Walton: Popular Song

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme of Dunstable

Parry: "The Wanderer" Toccata and Fugue

August 15, 2019 - Thursday

Kuopio, Finland

Kuopio Cathedral, 8:00 PM

Instrument: Bruno Christensen & Sønner Orgelbyggeri, 1986

Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B minor, 544

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Hakim: Arabesques

Walton: Popular Song

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme of Dunstable

Creston: Suite

August 13, 2019 - Tuesday

Jyväskylä, Finland

Taulumäki Church, 7:00 PM

Instrument: Kangasalan Urkutehdas, opus 384, 1930

Bach: Sei gegrusset, BWV 768


Raitio: Legenda

Finzi: Romance

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Parry: Toccata and Fugue "The Wanderer"

August 9, 2019 - Friday

Lahti, Finland

Lahti International Organ Festival

The Church of the Cross, 2:00 PM

Instrument: Veikko Virtanen, Op. 80, 1979

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B minor, 544

Hakim: Arabesques

Merikanto: Haahymni

Bingham: Roulade

Creston: Suite

August 7, 2019 - Wednesday

Kotka, Finland

The Church of Kotka, 12 PM noon

Instrument: Martti Porthan Co, 1998

Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B minor, 544

Schildt: Paduana Lachrymae

Praetorius: Nun lob

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Bovet: Salamanca

August 5, 2019 - Monday

Helsinki, Finland 

Helsinki Organ Festival

Kallio Church, 7:00 PM

Main Instrument: Åkerman & Lund 1995;

Choir Organ

Praetorius: Nun lob

Schildt: Paduana Lachrymae

Walton: Popular Song

Bovet: Salamanca




Raitio: Legenda

Sowerby: Requiescat in Pace

Parry: Toccata and Fugue "The Wanderer"

July 2, 2019 - Tuesday

Haddon Heights, New Jersey

Mid-Atlantic Regional AGO Convention

St. Mary's Episcopal Church

10:00 AM (50 minute)

Instrument: Schantz

Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B minor, BWV 544

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Hakim: Arabesques

Bingham: Roulade

Creston: Suite

June 15, 2019 - Saturday

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Verizon Hall, The Kimmel Cener

Instrument: Dobson, Op. 76 (2005)

featured performer

for Kimmel Center Organ Day

Dvorak: Carnival Overture


Hakim: Arabesques

Finzi: Romance

Creston: Suite

April 28, 2019 - Sunday

Amarillo, Texas

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 7:30 PM

Instrument: Aeolian Skinner, Op. 1024 (1941/Schoenstein 2005)

feat. Copland Fanfare for the Common Man

and Preamble for a Solemn Occasion

April 14, 2019 - Sunday

Dallas, Texas

Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center

Instrument: C.B. Fisk, Op. 100 (1991-92)

Copland: Preamble for a Solemn Occasion

J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in B minor, BWV 544

Finzi: Romance in E-flat, Op. 11

Hakim: Arabesques (2011)



Parry: Toccata and Fugue “The Wanderer”

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Bingham: Roulade Op. 3, No. 9

Creston: Suite, Op. 70

April 3, 2019 - Wednesday

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Curtis Institute of Music,

Field Concert Hall, 6:30 PM

Instrument: Aeolian-Skinner, Op. 1022



March 20, 2019 - Wednesday

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Curtis Institute of Music,

Field Concert Hall

Instrument: Harpsichord

Harpsichord Graduation Recital

February 10, 2019 - Sunday

Wilmington, Delaware

Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew

Instrument: Quimby, Op. 72 (2016)


a program featuring Philadephia composers

with Clara Gerdes and Aaron Patterson

January 27, 2019 - Sunday

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mount Olive Lutheran Church, 4:00 PM

Instrument: Schlicker Organ Co. (1966)

January 20, 2019 - Sunday

New York City, New York

Saint Vincent Ferrer, 4:30 PM

Instrument: Schantz, Op. 2224 (2002)

November 2, 2018 - Friday

New York City, New York

St. Paul's Chape, Trinity Church Wall St,

1:00 PM

Instrument: Noack, Op. 161 (2018)

Michael Praetorious: Nun Lob mein Seel den Herrn

Bach: Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig, BWV 768

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Bovet: Salamanca

November 11, 2018 - Sunday

Salt Lake City, Utah

Eccles Organ Festival

Cathedral of the Madeleine

Instrument: Kenneth Jones Organ (1993)

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme of Dunstable

Bach: Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig, BWV 768

Brahms: Three Pieces from Op. 118

Bovet: Salamanca


Parry: Toccata and Fugue "The Wanderer"

Bingham: Roulade

Creston: Suite, Op. 70

September 30, 2018 - Sunday

Columbus, Ohio

First Congregational Church, time TBA

Instrument: von Beckerath (1972)

Kimball, (1932)

von Beckerath:

Michael Praetorious: Nun Lob mein Seel den Herrn

Bach: Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig, BWV 768

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme of Dunstable

Bovet: Salamanca



Parry: "The Wanderer" Toccata and Fugue

Bingham: Roulade, Op. 9 No. 3

Creston: Suite, Op. 70

October 16, 2018 - Tuesday

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Girard College, 12:00 PM

Instrument: Skinner (1931), Op. 872

Creston: Prelude from Suite, Op. 70

Bingham: Roulade, Op. 9 No. 3

Parry: "The Wanderer" Toccata and Fugue

October 23, 2018 - Tuesday

New York City, New York

Central Synagogue, time TBA

Instrument: Casavant (2002), Op 3813

shared program with Clara Gerdes

Bingham: Roulade, Op. 9 No. 3

Creston: Suite, Op. 70

September 20, 2018 - Thursday

Princeton, New Jersey

Princeton University Chapel, 12:30 PM

Instrument: EM Skinner (1928)/Aeolian Skinner (1954-56)/Mander (1991)

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme of Dunstable

Bingham: Roulade, Op. 9 No. 3

Parry: "The Wanderer" Toccata and Fugue

July 8-13, 2017

Teaching at Philadelphia Pipe Organ Encounter

Performed in opening recital at Girard College

May 16-24, 2018

Study tour of France with

Curtis Organ Studio

Including La Madeleine, St. Sulpice, and Notre Dame

April 15, 2018 - Sunday

Melbourne, Florida

Advent Lutheran Church, 3:00 PM

Instrument: Schlueter Organ, 2013


March 31, 2018 - Saturday

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Lenfest Hall, Gould Recital Hall, 8:00 PM

Premier of new work, "The Arborist, The Alchemist," by Chelsea Komschlies

featuring organ with Curtis Orchestra

March 26, 2018 - Monday

Wilmington, Delaware

Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew, 7:00 PM

Instrument: Quimby, Op. 72

Dupré: Stations of the Cross

with Bryan Dunnewald, Clara Gerdes, and Adrian Binkley

February 9, 2018 - Friday

Tucson, Arizona

St. Alban's Episcopal Church, 7:30 PM

Instrument: Fritts Organ, Op. 35

Vivaldi/Bach: Concerto in d

Schildt: Paduana Lachrymae​

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue

Janáček: Postlude

Bovet: Salamanca

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme by Dunstable

Creston: Suite

February 18, 2018 - Sunday

Naples, Florida

The Moorings Presbyterian Church, 4:00 PM

Instrument: Nichols & Simpson, Inc., 2008

Vivaldi/Bach: Concerto in d

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue

Bovet: Salamanca



Janáček: Postlude

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme by Dunstable

Bingham: Roulade

Creston: Suite

November 17, 2017 - Friday

Las Vegas, Nevada

Southern Nevada Chapter, AGO at University of Nevada

Dr. Arturo Rando-Grillot Hall, 7:30 PM

Instrument: Rudolph von Beckerath Orgelbau, Hamburg, Germany, 2004

Vivaldi/Bach: Concerto in d

Bach: BWV 664, 659, 734

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue

Bovet: Salamanca

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme by Dunstable

Reger: Choral Fantasia on "Wachet auf"

November 12, 2017 - Sunday

Millburn, New Jersey

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, 4:00 PM

Instrument: Von Beckerath, 1970

Vivaldi/Bach: Concerto in d

Bach: BWV 664, 659, 734

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue


Janáček: Postlude

Bovet: Salamanca

Krape: Choral Prelude, "Liebster Jesu"

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme by Dunstable

October 27 - Friday

Philadelphia, PA

Kimmel Center, Verizon Hall, 9:30 PM

Instrument: Dobson Op. 76

Joint recital with Philadelphia Organists

Duruflé: Toccata

Bernie Kunkel

Widor: Allegro from Symphony 6

Bryan Dunnewald

Gonoud: Funeral March for a Marionette

Dukas: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Peter Conte

Dupré: Preludio, from Symphony No. 2

Clara Gerdes

Parker: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat minor

Janáček: Postlude from Glagolitic Mass

Monica Czausz

October 22, 2017 - Sunday

Collegeville, Pennsylvania

St. Ursinus College, Bomberger Hall,

4:00 PM

Instrument: Austin Organ, Op. 2704, 1986

Studio recital with Bryan Dunnewald and Clara Gerdes

Bach: Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue 

Dupre: Preludio from Symphony No. 2

Clara Gerdes

Hindemith: Sonata 1

Bryan Dunnewald

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral, and Fugue

Weaver: Passacaglia on a Theme by Dunstable

Monica Czausz

October 16, 2017 - Monday

Los Angeles, California

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 8:00 PM

Instrument: Dobson Op. 75

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme of Dunstable

Vivaldi/Bach: Concerto in D minor

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue in D

Paulus: "Blithely Breezing Along," from Baronian Suite

Vierne: Stèle pour un enfant défunt, from Tryptich, Op. 58

Reger: Phantasie über den Choral “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme,” Op. 52, No. 2

August 9, 2017 - Wednesday

Cold Spring, Minnesota

OHS National Convention

Church of St. Boniface, 7:00 pm

Instrument: K.C. Marrin Organ, Opus 11, 2013

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme by Dunstable

Rachel Laurin: Dialogue of the Mockingbirds, from Three Short Studies, Op. 68

Paulus: “Blithely Breezing Along,” from Baronian Suite

Vierne: Stèle pour un enfant défunt, from Tryptich, Op. 58


Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue in D



Reger: Phantasie über den Choral “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme,” Op. 52, No. 2

September 29, 2017 - Friday

Painesville, Ohio

Painesville United Methodist Church, 7:00 PM

Instrument: Schantz Organ, 1993

Vivaldi/Bach: Concerto in D minor

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue in D

Paulus: "Blithely Breezing Along," from Baronian Suite

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme of Dunstable


Ireland: Capriccio

Vierne: Stèle pour un enfant défunt, from Tryptich, Op. 58

Reger: Phantasie über den Choral “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme,” Op. 52, No. 2

October 8, 2017 - Sunday

Muskegon, Michigan

Central United Methodist Church, 3:00 PM

Instrument: M.P. Möller Opus R-732, 1965 

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme of Dunstable

Vierne: Stèle pour un enfant défunt, from Tryptich, Op. 58

Vivaldi/Bach: Concerto in D minor 

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue in D


Bovet: Salamanca

Saint-Saëns: Two Improvisations, Op. 150

Weaver: Variations on Sine Nomine

August 1, 2017 - Tuesday

Portland, Maine

Merrill Auditorium, 7:30 pm

Instrument: The Kotzschmar Organ - Austin Organ Company, Op. 323, 1912

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue in D

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme by Dunstable

Rachel Laurin: Dialogue of the Mockingbirds, from Three Short Studies, Op. 68

Ireland: Capriccio


Paulus: “Blithely Breezing Along,” from Baronian Suite

Vierne: Stèle pour un enfant défunt, from Tryptich, Op. 58

Reger: Phantasie über den Choral “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme,” Op. 52, No. 2

July 21, 2017 - Friday

Houston, Texas

Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

"Farewell Recital," 7:30 PM

Instrument: Aeolian-Skinner, Op 976, 1938

Weaver: Passacaglia on a theme by Dunstable

Rachel Laurin: Dialogue of the Mockingbirds, from Three Short Studies, Op. 68

Paulus: “Blithely Breezing Along,” from Baronian Suite

Vierne: Stèle pour un enfant défunt, from Tryptich, Op. 58


Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue in D



Reger: Phantasie über den Choral “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme,” Op. 52, No. 2

June 13, 2017 - Tuesday

Dallas, Texas

AGO Southwest Regional Convention

St. Monica Catholic Church

Mendelssohn: Allegro, Choral and Fugue in D


Paulus: “Blithely Breezing Along,” from Baronian Suite


Vierne: Stèle pour un enfant défunt, from Tryptich, Op. 58


Reger: Phantasie über den Choral “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme,” Op. 52, No. 2

July 4, 2017 - Tuesday

Montreal, Québec

AGO Northeast Regional Convention/RCCO National Convention

St. Matthias' Church, 5:00 pm

Joint program with Nicholas Capozzoli

Instrument: Karl Wilhelm Organ, 1973

Leoš Janáček: Postlude, from Glagolitic Mass


Rachel Laurin: Dialogue of the Mockingbirds, from Three Short Studies, Op. 68

J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in E minor, BWV 548

April 28, 2017 - Friday

Little Rock, Arkansas

First Presbyterian Church

Ireland: Capriccio

J.S. Bach: 

All Glory be to God on High, BWV 664

Savior of the Nations, Come, BWV 659

Rejoice, Beloved Christians, BWV 734

Alain: Deuxième Fantaisie

Hakim: Final, from Hommage à Igor Stravinsky


Dupré: “The World Awaiting the Savior,” from Symphonie-Passion, Op. 23

Widor: Choral from Symphonie romane, Op. 73


Parker: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat minor, Op. 65


Paulus: “Blithely Breezing Along,” from Baronian Suite

April 4, 2017 - Tuesday

Houston, Texas

Rice University,

Collaborative Recital with trumpeter Jon Kaplan

featuring Petr Eben: Okna

April 1, 2017 - Saturday

Houston, Texas

Rice University, Master II Recital 

Dupré: “The World Awaiting the Savior,” from Symphonie-Passion, Op. 23


J.S. Bach: Three Chorale Preludes

All Glory be to God on High, BWV 664

Savior of the Nations, Come, BWV 659

Rejoice, Beloved Christians, BWV 734

Alain: Deuxième Fantaisie


Parker: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat minor, Op. 65


Naji Hakim: Final, from Hommage à Igor Stravinsky


Widor: Choral from Symphonie romane, Op. 73

Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 

March 17, 2017 - Friday

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City

J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV 542

Alain: Deuxième Fantaisie

Vierne: Stèle pour un enfant défunt, from Tryptich, Op. 58


Dupré: “The World Awaiting the Savior,” from Symphonie-Passion, Op. 23



J.S. Bach: Three Chorale Preludes 

All Glory be to God on High, BWV 664 

Savior of the Nations, Come, BWV 659

Rejoice, Beloved Christians, BWV 734


Widor: Choral from Symphonie romane, Op. 73

Parker: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat minor, Op. 65


Hakim: Final, from Hommage à Igor Stravinsky

February 26, 2017 - Sunday

Bryan, Texas

First Presbyterian Church

February 19, 2017 - Sunday

Lincoln, Nebraska

Westminster Presbyterian Church

January 29, 2017 - Sunday

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Boston Avenue United Methodist Church

Dvořák​: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 


J.S. Bach: Three Chorale Preludes

 All Glory be to God on High, BWV 664

Savior of the Nations, Come, BWV 659

Rejoice, Beloved Christians, BWV 734


Sowerby: Requiescat in Pace

Dupré: “The World Awaiting the Savior,” from Symphonie-Passion, Op. 23



Janáček: Postlude, from Glagolitic Mass


Alain: Deuxième Fantaisie

Parker: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat minor, Op. 65


Hakim: Final, from Hommage à Igor Stravinsky

November 19, 2016 - Sunday

Westerville, Ohio

Central College Presbyterian Church

Ireland: Capriccio


Sowerby: Requiescat in Pace


Janáček: Postlude, from Glagolitic Mass 


Daniel Knaggs: “Night shall be no more,” from Book of Visions

Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Op. 92



J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV 532


Parker: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat minor, Op. 65


Alain: Deuxième Fantaisie


Eben: Finale, from Sunday Music

October 23, 2016 - Sunday

Dallas, Texas

Pipedreams Live!

Meyerson Symphony Center

Leoš Janáček: Postlude, from Glagolitic Mass 


Daniel Knaggs: “Night shall be no more,” from Book of Visions


Petr Eben: Finale, from Sunday Music

October 7, 2016 - Friday

Richmond, Virginia

Ginter Park Presbyterian Church

September 1, 2016 - Thursday

West Hartford, Connecticut

Albert Schweitzer Festival

Previous Winners' Recital

St. John's Episcopal Church

July 20-31, 2016

Christ Church Cathedral (Houston) Choir Tour,

Cathedrals of Durham, Bristol and St. Paul's (London)

June 28, 2016 - Tuesday

OHS National Convention

Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania

Ireland: Capriccio


Alain: Deuxième Fantaisie


Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 


Karg-Elert: Claire de Lune, from Three Impressions for Organ, Op. 72


Hymn Vineyard Haven

Sowerby: Requiescat in Pace


Parker: Allegretto, from Sonata in E-flat minor, Op. 65

Hakim: Final, from Hommage à Igor Stravinsky


June 23, 2016 - Thursday

Houston, Texas

Bayou-büchlein premiere

at Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

Michael Emmerich: Chorale Prelude

Don VerKuilen: Toccata on "Gather us In"

June 20, 2016 - Monday

Houston, Texas

Evensongs at Christ Church Cathedral


Howells: Psalm Prelude Set II, No. 3

Sowerby: Requiescat in Pace

Shepard: Holy is the True Light

Hymn Dirken: "Praise the Spirit" 

Psalm 89:19-52

Walton: Chichester Mag & Nunc

Dale Trumbore: "As it is in Heaven"

Dahl: Hymn prelude and hymn Dunedin

Mathias: Recessional, Op. 96 No. 4

June 20, 2016 - Monday

Houston, Texas

"Rising Stars" Recital at St. Thomas Episcopal Church

Ireland: Capriccio

Alain: Deuxième Fantaisie

Hakim: Final from Hommage à Igor Stravinsky

May 8, 2016 - Sunday

Atlanta, Georgia

The Cathedral of St. Philip

Ireland: Capriccio

Vierne: Naïades

J.S. Bach: Fantasia and Fugue in G minor, BWV 542

Alkan: Adagio from Treize Prières, Op. 64, No. 5

Reger: Phantasie über den Choral "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme," Op. 52, No. 2

April 24, 2016 - Sunday

Fort Worth, Texas

Broadway Baptist Church, 7:00 PM

Ireland: Capriccio

Franck: Chorale No. 1

Vierne: Naïades

Dvořák: Carnival Overture


J.S. Bach: Fantasia and Fugue in G minor, BWV 542

Alkan: Adagio from Treize Prières, Op. 64, No. 5

Reger: Phantasie über den Choral "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme," Op. 52, No. 2

April 10, 2016 - Sunday

Houston, Texas

St. Thomas Episcopal Church

March 11, 2016 - Friday

Houston, Texas

Rice University Master I Recital

Edythe Bates Old Recital Hall

March 3, 2016 - Thursday

Tulsa, Oklahoma

St. John’s Episcopal Church

February 28, 2016 - Sunday

New York City, New York

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine

January 15, 2016 - Friday

Georgetown, Texas

Grace Episcopal Church

December 18, 2015 - Friday

Boston, Massachusetts

Trinity Church in the City of Boston

November 29, 2015 - Sunday

Boston, Massachusetts

Church of the Advent

November 12, 2015 - Thursday

Longview, Texas

East Texas Organ Festival

First Baptist Church, 10:00 AM

Dvorak: Carnival Overture

J.S. Bach: Fantasy and Fugue in C minor, BWV 537

Widor: Scherzo from Symphony 4

Alkan: Prière

Parker: Allegretto

Reger: Chorale Fantasia on "Halleluja! Gott zu loben," Op. 52, No. 3 

October 18, 2015 - Sunday

Houston, Texas

Christ Church Cathedral

October 2, 2015 - Friday

Bryan, Texas

First United Methodist Church

September 11-13, 2015 

Schweitzer Competition

Wethersfield, Connecticut

August 12, 2015 - Wednesday

Methuen, Massachusetts

Methuen Memorial Music Hall

Toccata and Fugue in E, BWV 566

Paulus: Blithely Breezing Along, from Baronian Suite


Olsson: Prelude and Fugue in D-Sharp minor, Op. 56


Camille Saint-Saëns: Seven Improvisations, Op. 150 


Allegro Giocoso


Mendelssohn: Allegro, Chorale, and Fugue


Parker: Allegretto from Sonata in E-flat minor, Op. 65

Karg-Elert: Clair de lune from Three Impressions, Op. 72 


Reger: Chorale Fantasia on “Halleluja! Gott zu loben bleibe meine Seelenfreud!” Op. 52, No. 3

August 5, 2015 - Wednesday

Worcester, Massachusetts

Mechanics Hall

July 1, 2015 - Wednesday

Warehouse Point, Connecticut

OHS National Convention

Wesley United Methodist Church

Widor: Scherzo from Symphony 4

Alkan: Prière, Op. 64, No 5

Schumann: "Innig" from Six Studies

Hymn Robert Lynn: "A Stable Lamp is Lighted"

Nevin: Will o' the Wisp

Saint-Saëns: Allegro giocoso from Sept Improvisations, Op. 150, No. 7

June 28, 2015 - Sunday

Hurst, Texas

Regional Competition for Young Organists, Winner's Recital

First United Methodist Church of Hurst

Manari: Concert Etude on "Salve Regina"

Wadsworth: Variations on an Old American Tune

Widor: Scherzo from Symphony No. 4

J.S. Bach: Trio Sonata V in C

Hymn Mit Freuden Zart

Reger: Chorale Fantasia on "Halleluja! Gott zu loben"